It is a great experience to foster a dog, anyone can tell you that. It’s not that easy as you have to spend a lot of time with the dog and say goodbye to it when is ready for a new home.
This could change as lot your dog’s life and yours for the better if you have room in your heart for this. So let’s look at five things that are happening when you foster your dog.

Practicing having a dog
Let’s say that you don’t have a dog for now. Fostering will help you test how it feels having a dog around. It’s a win-win for both. The costs for this will be covered by the shelter that gives you the dog so you don’t have to pay for food and other treatments. All you have to do is enjoy the time with the dog.
This will also let you see if you have enough space to hold a dog into, physically and emotionally. It’s a good way to practice, that is why I recommend you try this. Who knows, you may like it a lot.

Free some space at the dogs’ shelter
Animal shelters can get overwhelmed with how many animals come there day by day. As a dog foster, you may free up some of the space in order for other animals to come. Otherwise, the dogs may get euthanized due to lack of space. Why not save one of them?
There are a lot of shelters complaining about the space problem. You can save a dog’s life by fostering.

The dog gets the benefits of care & love
A dog needs to socialize as much as possible. At the shelter, it can’t as the workers don’t have the time for this. Dogs must learn a way to interact with people and other dogs too. Training is difficult in those situations. You can train it at home using this guide
The dog can learn to walk on a leash and interact with others, getting much love in practice.

You are evolving
Your responsibility grows when you take care of another soul in your family. Fostering a dog can give you a sense of pride and recognition around your peers. A dog can teach you a lot of good new things to put into practice and discipline you.
You will learn how to appreciate an animal and this way you will be growing as a person.

Other people can learn from you
You may convince others to foster a dog too. It’s a good way of sharing the care. Fostering a dog can enrich not only your life but others as well. The time will come to say goodbye to the animal, but hey, you got the chance of taking care of it and you learned in the process.
Next time, when you will have your own pet it will be easy for you to help it grow and care for him/her.